Registration Information
Is your child eligible for PreK 4 for the 2024-25 school year?
- New Braunfels ISD children, who will be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024. NBISD also has tuition spots available in the 4-year-old program. Once a student is enrolled in Pre-K, school attendance is mandatory. This is not a drop-in or day care program.
To meet eligibility for NO-COST pre-kindergarten 4 year old programs, a student must qualify for at least one (1) of the following criteria OR they can pay tuition:
- Child is economically disadvantaged (income based off of one of the following materials)
- Current Pay Stub
- Tax Return
- Employer Letter
- Medicaid
- Child is unable to speak and comprehend the English Language
- Child is homeless
- Child has a parent serving on active duty in the armed forces, including a child of a member injured or killed on active duty
- Child is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)
- Child has a parent who is eligible for the Star of Texas Award
Tuition Based Enrollment
2025-2026 PreK Tuition Information Coming Soon!
There is not a tuition cost for those that qualify for Pre-K under State Pre-K guidelines, HOWEVER if your child does not qualify on the criteria above you may pay tuition. Tuition spots are available in the 4-year-old program for students that reside in NBISD, but do not meet the eligibility criteria. The cost to enroll includes a $150 deposit per child (applicable to 1st-month tuition) and $550 monthly tuition per child. NBISD Employee rate is $450/month per child with payroll deduction.
Register Online Now in Ascender!
We encourage you to begin the registration process online via the Ascender Parent Portal. If you already have an Ascender Parent Portal account, login using your information. If you do not have an account, you can create a new account. Simply login and complete the 6 steps under the "Enroll a New Student" section to register your students.
Documents to Bring
After you've begun the registration process online, please contact Lone Star ECC for an appointment to verify your documents.
- Parent Identification (TX Driver License, ID, or Passport)
- Government-issued Birth Certificate of Child (Kindergarteners must be age 5 as of September 1, 2024/Pre-Kindergarteners must be 4 as of September 1, 2024)
- Child’s Social Security Card, if available
- Immunization Record (must be up-to-date)
- Proof of Residency (Dated no later than 30 days: current utility or gas bill, lease agreement, or mortgage statement)
If you have questions about the NBISD Enrollment Fair, online registration, PreK or Kinder qualification or what documents are needed for registration, please contact us at OR 830-643-5700.